Brihati/Light of Life (Research & Development). Funded by Creative Scotland with support from Dance Base and Findhorn Eco Village.

‘Brihati’ is a fusion of Indian and Celtic artform to celebrate the Earth Goddess tradition through dance, music, and song. The Sanskrit name ‘Brihati’ (like the Irish ‘Brigid’) means ‘Great One’ or ‘Shining One’. She is the light of life, the shining that is deep in all things.

In both East and West, fire has been used to remember her over the centuries. In the Hebrides of Scotland, she was honoured each evening in a simple ritual around the family hearth called ‘tending the Mother Fire’.

This dance performance celebrates ‘Brihati’ leading us into the dreams of the night where all is one and then back up into the wakefulness of dawn to live and dance again the interrelationship of all things.  


Kirsten Newell